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STP Network (STPT) Price, Market Cap, Prediction, Chart

STP Network's current price is at $0.03 (-1.23% last 24h). The highest price in the last 24 hours was $0.03 and the lowest price was $0.03. The current market capitalization of STP Network is at $58,035,423.

Current ranking by market capitalization #345

Last price 24h chg
Increased by -1.23%
Increased by -1.23%
Market capitalization 24h chg
Increased by -3.13%
Trading volume last 24h 24h chg
Increased by -56.61%
STP Network circulating coin supply of total supply
Of total supply 89.92%

Key price and trading indicators

Indicator Last 4h 24h 7d 30d
Price (US Dollar)
Price (BTC)
Market cap
Trading vol 24h
Circulating Supply Minted coins

STP Network price chart

STP Network price chart (usd) of all time of the last 12 months of the last 3 months of the last 30 days of the last 7 days of the last 24 hours ()
BTC price
Loading chart

STP Network project details

In the following list you can find the most important links on STP Network.

What is the best exchange to buy STP Network?

In the following list you will find crypto currency exchanges that currently list STP Network (prices may vary).